I Spy Art For Kids is a new kids’ version of Paints. This is not so much different from Paints but with a twist. All you need is a brush and paint and you are all set. And the best part is the whole activity can be done with just one kid. Just leave a comment on this page for more info on how to play this game.
I Spy Art is the new version of Paints. If you don’t know, then you should know that I Spy is an online game that is similar to Paints but exclusive to kids. Parents have been begging for a Spy to come out and hit the market but sadly, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, I Spy was launched exclusively for children, without the family. The concept is simple: kids gather a group of objects, including a lot of stickers, craft papers and paints, and then they glue it all to a sheet of paper. Very easy, right?
To play, you would just need to instruct your child as to what colors would she or he want to use, and where he or she would paste the object. The object would disappear when the child is done painting. Of course, there are a lot of Easter eggs in this game. The child could find a secret area in the page and a picture would pop up that she or he could not see before, such as a cat or a castle. There are also some special things that appear in i Spy Art for Children, such as words or numbers.
When the game is over, the child would get a certificate of achievement and his or her artwork would disappear. This sounds like a very easy game to play, right? In fact, it’s much more complicated than that. Parents would have to guide their kids through the entire process of learning how to create the artwork and that is not an easy task.
In addition, learning how to create the art could be very difficult for a kid, especially if he or she is not artistic. It is recommended that you let I Spy Art is played with a child who is well-developed mentally. That way, the child will not be intimidated by the creation of the artwork. It would be easier for him or her to understand the concept of the game and become more receptive to learn how to make the art.
Another great thing about this game is that it can be played both online and offline. That means you can play the game at home and even take it with you to the office. The great thing is you can play I Spy Art both alone and with other kids. Kids will really enjoy this type of spy game.