“I Spy On My Computer – How To Spy On My Computer And Keep tabs On My Internet Usage!” That’s the title of this informative and quick website which covers all areas of information about you that you may never have thought possible. This particular product is a bundle of over 500 images, sounds and video taken by you while your computer is idle or running. It really is that easy to use. I Spy On My Computer can be used without any adware or spyware software. It does not require you to install any extra software or register any domain name.

www i spy com

I Spy On My Computer will also monitor any web sites that you visit and record the information for you. The information it gathers is not only limited to what is typed on the keyboard and what happens on the screen. It can also monitor all incoming and outgoing emails, chats, faxes and calls, access to the Internet, pictures uploaded to the Internet and more. You will also get an online version of your computer history to see which sites are visited frequently and which ones do not.

One of the features in this online software is a feature called Smart Memory. This uses a small collection of keystrokes and mouse button clicks to remember various computer activities and then store them so that they are available later. When this feature is active, you won’t even have to use your imagination to think of ways to “spy” on your own computer. You can simply begin typing in whatever information you wish to remember and hit enter. Then you don’t have to think about it again or even look back at the screen to remember it.

Another very useful feature of this spy software is that it can also monitor video and music activity on your PC. So long as you have a modern web camera, this is a very simple addition which almost anyone with Internet access can benefit from. In fact, it can be a life saver, especially if your computer is broken. This software is also designed to record any incoming and outgoing VoIP calls. In other words, it can keep track of your voice conversations.

There are other activities, this software can monitor as well. The name of the program sounds suspiciously similar to computer spy software, doesn’t it? Well, yes, it does. In fact, when you buy this product you acquire both a monitoring tool and a kind of anti-spy program all in one. However, this is good news for anyone who needs peace of mind and doesn’t want to have all of their information available to just anyone.

This is just one example of a program that can be used to monitor someone’s computer. If you feel that someone else is tapping into your computer, this software is very effective. It is also very easy to work with and understand. Anyone who wants to find out more about the information this program records, all they have to do is check their website today.